I lost a remarkable amount of time trying to get MDSplus operating on my new install of Ubuntu 16.04, and I thought I would share what worked for me. Of note, I only need the client side MDSplus functions for python. I tested this operation on a completely completely clean/new install of Ubuntu 16.04.
What worked for me
The instructions on MDSplus's website [1] are fairly accurate so please read those as well.
Start by opening the following file with gedit using the terminal command:
$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
and copy/paste and save the following file at the bottom
deb http://www.mdsplus.org/dist/Ubuntu16/repo MDSplus stable
Next, enter the following commands
$ wget http://www.mdsplus.org/dist/mdsplus.gpg.key
$ sudo apt-key add mdsplus.gpg.key
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install mdsplus-python
It should now be installed. To check the python MDSplus functions, open pythin with:
$ python
and then type:
>>> import MDSplus
Note the capitalization of MDSplus. Assuming no error is thrown, your install is working.
(Optional) Another way to check the install, you can type the following commands:
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo easy_install mdsplus
and make sure that MDSplus is correctly installed.
[1] http://www.mdsplus.org/index.php/Latest_Ubuntu/Debian_Packages